Thursday, November 1, 2007

oh oh oh i had a moment!!!!!!!!!!!!

so we were allowed to dress up at work for halloween, i was suped... so i stole my younger brothers boyscout uniform. wow... the people shopping at kohls were funny... i had stuffed my hair up inside the hat for a majority of the time, and at one point this couple (a homosexual female couple, which i found quite astounding, not the orientation, but the situation that happened) was in my department and I asked them if they needed help, to which they responded that they were all set, and walked away at a rather brisk pace. A few minutes later I was paged over the intercom to help a couple in the boys section, when I got there it was the same couple... so I approached them (yes I had my name tag on, but I had put a piece of tape over the usual "Jessica C" and written "Jesse") and they gave me a strange look. "We were told a young lady would be here to help us..." In my head I was thinking "Do you wanna see my bra?" but of course I would never say that being the good little sales associate that I am... so instead I responded "Yes, that would be me..." and shook my hair out of my hat so they could see that I was in fact a female... kinda funny seeing as I wore olive green eye shadow and black mascara so that my eyes would stand out as feminine... they were even more bothered by this it seemed because they said that they had changed their mind and walked away.
even after that, I went into the bathroom to make sure that my drawn on cuts and scrapes (yes I was the beat up boyscout...) were still intact and to make sure I had not gotten anything on my brothers uniform. A lady washing her hands at the sink asked me if I was in the wrong room... I turned to her and responded... no I'm in the right one... again, took off my hat... and watched as she said "Oh my God" and walk out without drying her hands....
Later that night I also had a young man approach me and say:
"I saw you walking from behind and realized that it was not a dude" (yes he said 'It')
"No, IT is not a dude, IT is a female."
"Oh... so are you really a boyscout?"
"No, I stole the uniform from my brother for the night..."
"Oh... do you do that often?"
and I left it at that... wow... amusing...
So I guess the point is that even though it was Halloween, and people are usually dressed up on Halloween, people still get freaked out over little things like that... funny isn't it... that was my night of tapping the glass....


Amanda Avelina Gotay said...

Wow...very amusing... I'll try something like that...just for fun next halloween :)

Amanda Avelina Gotay said...

Wow... that is very funny....very amusing. I will try that next year for halloween :)

Kimdbog said...

i think that woman in the bathroom didn't want to be involved in whatever happened then. I think people shy away from the fact that it's not normal, or that something is different. I have not had any moments like being in the wrong bathroom or acting/looking like a boy. My brother and I look alike, that is enough for me. He's taller and younger but i can say that were inseperable. This is my say. I hope other people not just in class but everyone gets to have a view on this. This is real life now, it stinks.

Kimdbog said...

Wow...! I think that lady in the bathroom didn't want to get involved in anything right now. She probably did not encounter something like this before or wouldn't know what to say. The two ladies must have suspected something out of their norm or thought something different at the time. It's great that you brought this up. Everyone should have a view on this, not just our class. I have never been in the wrong bathroom situation or acted/looked like a boy. My brother and I look the same, and that's enough. Now with my hair cut short I could try this not just on Halloween but in elevators or at the boyscout meetings. This is real life, it stinks.

Alex said...

Some times people amaze me...

Dr. Lesley Bogad said...

Love this!!!

Such a great story about walking in someone else's shoes for a little while...

LB :)