Saturday, November 3, 2007

Yet Another Life Connection...

you know... i vowed to never ever ever ever EVER use Delpit's name outside of the classroom... but i feel like i have too... Delpit states that the people with power are usually oblivious to its existance... this can be said with cops.... seriously...

i look up to law enforcement, and i believe in the idea of justice, but how far is too far for treatment of criminals and rule breakers??? i was watching COPS tonight (don't ask me why... I like the theme song.... bad boys bad boys.... whatcha gonna do? lol :) ) and every single case of criminal activity, the person was tasored..... now im all for punishment... but tasoring to me is like.... the electric chair... its cruel and unusual... pepper spray works just as well... for one thing, the little prods or hooks at the end of the tasor can become dislodged from the object and they can be stuck in peoples clothing or skin... duh... a health risk if not found... besides the fact that about 15,000 volts of electricity are pulsing through a being that is 75% water.... umm... hello? electricity vs. water equals big ZZZZAAAAPPPPPPP....

then i think we all know about the college student that raised his voice at a john kerry assembly at his school, who was tasored for speaking out and arguing a point during the Q and A session... just because he wanted to be a little bit of a hell raiser, and to bring about questions that maybe could have used a debate or an answer, does not give the cops the right to bring down a student and tasor him repeatedly... he did appologize for his actions on national television, but has no one realized that since the tasor was introduced into law enforcement it has been used more and more??? how did we cope without tasors??? do these cops realize what they are doing to people when they use this instrument of torture???

and how about those pellet guns that cops have??? when used to stop a riot (well not really a riot but a rowdy gathering) after the first red sox world series win since the Bambino's curse, one lady was hit in the eye and killed... how much more unnecessary pain and death must be caused because these "keepers of the peace" have the tools capable of causing it???? what the hell is wrong with society??? the cops dont even seem to realize what they are doing to these people... they just know they are doing it.... and they dont give a damn.... people look up to them..... but yet they are truly encouraging violence in thier own practices....

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