Saturday, November 17, 2007

Yet Another Talking Point on Kliewer

Christopher Kliewer and "Schooling Children With Down Syndrome"

This article is about:

  • building better communication with disabled students
  • how disabled students interact with thier teachers and their peers
  • how many of the things practiced at home or for leisure can be incorporated into teaching for disabled students
  • how some teachers are able to adapt to a student's individual needs
  • how America is scared to help the disabled and how they are prejudiced from the get-go about how disabled people look and act

Author's Arguement:

Kliewer argues that America needs to become more accepting of the disabled in our community and that the prejudices held against them need to be broken down.


1. "Success in life requires an ability to form relationships with others who make up the web of community." (73) Our community is very diverse and one can only consider themselves a full member of that community if they are willing to work with others who are similar and different to them.

2. "They didn't think it was realistic, that she could handle that job. Here they have her educating America's future, but they're scared to let her work at a movie place." (78) People freaked out about letting a girl with Down Syndrome work at a movie rental place, but they had her teaching little kids.... something is ass backwards about their opinion.... she's able to do either if she really wants to, but for them to be like all freaked out... thats bull..... sorry... more of this will come in the comments section...

3. "So I guess what I'm arguing is that if you did pick Lee out, you wouldn't be seeing Lee. It's not Lee you're picking out. It's your stereotype, your mind-set. It's you, and it has nothing to do with Lee. But if that's how you choose to see him, I don't know that anything I could do, we could do, I don't think there's anything Lee could do to change your mind." (84) Because of obvious features and stereotypes given to the disabled over time, people think what they see is what they get.... however they don't actually see the real person... and their unique abilities...


Ahhhhh another current issue that pisses me off... the prejudice against the disabled... mentally, physically, any type of disability really.... its sickening. Yeah... people see somebody with Down Syndrome and immediately believe that they are too different from the rest of us to be worth anything. I can tell you that I have an uncle with Down Syndrome, and I have worked with kids who have Down Syndrome, hell.... I've worked with kids with Cerebral Palsy, with Autism, with Aspbergers... hearing impairments, sight impairments... these kids are no different then any other child. And in the article where it was talking about "the man" freaking cuz of Anne who wanted to be a movie director trying to get a job at a movie rental store... dude what the hells your problem??? im surprised you're not freaking out about her working with your children (whoever you are), you know... with the age old addage about "oh theyll catch their stupid"... that pisses me off too.... stupid people leading stupid lives i suppose...... even something as awesome as the special olympics was ruined with the movie "The Ringer"... as good of a movie as it was... showing that a "normal" guy can infiltrate and steal something like that away from these kids is disgusting... even if the special olympians accepted him, its rediculous that somebody would bet on something like that. i realize i have been deviating from the article and stuff but i've had a very pissy week and all these rediculous articles about stupid people leading their stupid lives only make it worse.......

1 comment:

Chris said...

Thank you- my cousin has grand mals downs syndrome, lived with me when i was a kid for a real short time... he can use a computer among other things- and I can now sign,and I recognize other disabilities just like other points you raise-
Good to know this stuff gets someone else riled up too-
see ya tuesday