Tuesday, November 20, 2007

my last talking point....

Peggy Ornstein and "School Girls: Young Women, Self-Esteem, and the Confidence Gap"
This article is about:
  • gender inequality in schools
  • teachers stepping out of the norm
  • male domination coming crumbling down
  • helping young boys to realize the effects of their actions and words

Author's Arguement:

Orenstein's arguement is that boys and girls need to be shown at an early age that the world, which is typically male dominated, has gender eqaulity and sexual harrassment issues that need to be taken care of.


  1. "'My older brother had Ms. Logan,' she says. 'And he said all she ever talked about was women, women, women. He didn't like her.' 'I guess it's because all the other teachers ignore women,' Holly says. 'But sometimes I worry about the boys, that they get kind of ignored.'" (pg. 11) Boys do not enjoy being overruled in something that makes them feel uncomfortable, and girls are programmed to feel bad that boys are being walked over when it happens to them on a daily basis.
  2. "'The boys definately resent it,' she says matter-of-factly. 'They think Ms. Logan is sexist. But you know what I think? I think that it's the resentment of losing their place. In our other classes, the teachers just focus on men, but the boys don't complain that that's sexist. They say, 'It's different in those classes because we're focusing on the important people in history, who just happen to be men.'" (pg. 12) Finally a girl hits the nail on the head....
  3. "'Sexual harrassment in school is the worst,' says Mindy, who is in this class too. 'It's like if you wear a tight shirt, you're asking for it.'" (pg. 19) Girls who want to be comfortable are seen as promiscuous, no matter what age...


Ohhhh how this class loves to pull heartstrings.... do you know how many times I've been honked at while walking down the road with friends when I was 12? It's sickening.... and the nasty guys on myspace who message me and they're like... old enough to be my dad??? and one of them tells me i'm sexy??? GROSSSSS like i'm all for the age doesnt matter thing... but would you have a relationship that was as old as your dad was??? hopefully not... dunno if there are any donald trump chasers out there... but seriously if you go on my myspace and read through my blogs... one is completely dedicated to telling loser men that i don't do hookups. some men are disgusting horn dogs not gonna lie.... (to all the guys out there, im not a total guy hater... i just hate the nasty ones.... in fact im single and looking hhahahahaha :) )

but yeah men seem to be hero-worshipped in life. i mena duh.... american presidents? hello?? lol.... and again CABBAGE PATCH KIDS!!!!!!!!!... life is a sad sad place.... but its funny.... you go to college, and many of my classes are female dominated... FNED... theres alex, justin, steve and brandon... hmm.... tough crowd... especially cuz we male bash a lot in that class (sorry guys.... nothing personal against any of you... and yes alex im waiting for the comeback..... :) ) my sociology class, four guys... ummm english lit i wont count cuz theres only 9 of us... even distribution if one person doesnt show up usually.... childrens lit i cant count only because there are too many of us....

how many shows on tv are male dominated... two and a half men, how i met your mother, everybody loves raymond, seinfeld, law and order and ncis (both male protagonists), big bang theory, most if not all surroung men and the events in their lives....

yeah life is a cold place.... and its winter now... so it just got colder....

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